Every face tells a story...Caroline is expressing how happy she is that she got a great teacher this year
Grace's expression is that she's loving her yogurt!
Gemma and Becca....smiles say it all!
Gemma and Becca....smiles say it all!
On her wedding day a bride is often given this advice....cherish each and every moment of this day...it will go by quicker than you know. I often tell that to my friends who are getting married...as I was told on my wedding day. But I started thinking that this isnt just good advice for your wedding. It's great living every day this way...relishing in every moment that we're given. Spending wonderful moments with family and friends and truly enjoying those moments...yes living in the moment. Even when we're working, or frazzled, or plain crazed...trying to take in those moments and learning from mistakes are valuable lessons too.
This past weekend I had some wonderful "mommy moments" that made me truly smile. Saturday I was walking into the local grocery store. I had my two babies with me...Rebecca and Gemma. They were a bit cranky and I was just at my limit. As we walked out of the store I tried to juggle two toddlers and a grocery cart full of food. All of a sudden a quick turn to the left--cost me my dozen and a half eggs. If I got home quick enough and picked out the shells we could have one giant omlet for dinner. Then Gemma wasn't looking where she was going and banged her head. She was ok...just stunned more than anything...and a little red. Where was the moment that made me smile? Well as I picked up my scrambled mess I hugged Gemma and told her she was going to be ok....it's just a little bang on the forehead. Gemma responded...MOM...I DIDN'T GET BANGED ON MY HEAD....IT'S WORSE...I GOT BANGED ON MY BRAIN!....you know what they say "out of the mouths of babes".... I headed to the car when all of a sudden a bagger from the grocery store came running after me....'mam...here's a new package of eggs. (I guess I made a bigger scene than I thought--when I shouted at the kids "there goes the eggs". It made me truly think that today was a special day. The kindness of people can be astounding...and appreciating your children and what they say is important and a blessing.
That night as I was putting my two little ones to bed, Rebecca said..."mommy tonight I'm going to tell you a story." Ok Rebecca...what is your story about? 3 year old Rebecca started off, it's about me..."when I was a little boy...."
A little boy? I guess my husband finally did get his little boy after all.
A little boy? I guess my husband finally did get his little boy after all.
Cherish each and every day....you"ll never get back...
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