Nowadays I suppose its simpler to give gift cards as birthday presents. Nothing wrong with's just that when you have 5 kids going to various stores is never ideal. And the younger ones don't understand why the older ones are getting presents and they're not. So the gift cards pile up until one day I need to bribe the kids to do something and the reward is "I'll take you to the mall and we can use your giftcards!" Many a rooms have been cleaned with this tactic--so its my go to when I need help. Last Saturday we went to the Mall. My oldest daughter Graceann was really excited to use her giftcards--and mind you some of these were from 5 years ago. It's a wonder they had any money left on them. One of the cards was for a store called Delias. It's a cute store...mostly teenage clothing...although if I had a cute little bod--I wouldn't mind shopping there. So when we entered the sales lady started yakking away to my daughter Graceann. I swear I understand English but my "teen talk" is not quite there. Graceann translated and apparently told me that the sales girl told her that if she tried on a pair of jeans she would get 10 dollars off her purchase. I laughed at Graceann's naiveness. Why would anyone take 10 dollars off just for trying a pair of jeans. I told Graceann she must have misunderstood. Now my "teen talk" kicked in and I told Grace that you probably got 10 dollars off a pair of jeans if you buy them...and I'm sure they're ove 85 dollars to start with. So we looked around. And Graceann found what she wanted to buy with her gift card. The only "slight" problem is that she wanted to buy 102 dollars more than her gift card was worth. We narrowed our choices and after about 45 minutes decided on 3 different options that still cost more than the gift card was worth but significantly less than the 102 dollars. And we didn't try on jeans and we weren't buying jeans so we weren't getting 10 dollars taken off our bill. Low and behold we bring our purchases to the cash register and the sales lady asks Graceann if she tried on any jeans. She announced they were having a promotion and all you had to do was try on jeans and even if you didn't buy them you would receive 10 dollars off your order. My language of teens really is rusty....where have I been. Well just as fast as I was going to tell Grace to go try on a pair of jeans, I hear a loud crashing sound. It came from the nailpolish rack...and my daughter Pauline was the one right near it. Nail polish scattered and smashed everywhere. The floor was a beautiful shade of lilac. And when I say nail polish was everywhere....I mean everywhere. It was one of those moments when I wanted to say, "Little you want me to help find your mom?" I mean how could one of my kids make such a mess...but she did. At that point I didn't care about trying on jeans or getting 10 dollars off my order (although it would have been a nice discount)....I figured we must have smashed over 10 dollars of nail we would be better off cutting our losses and run. So we paid our bill and ran out of there as fast as we could. I am sure there is a WANTED poster of my face at their front door. Well that didn't bother me because we used up the gift card and theres no reason to go back....until Grace told me that she really doesn't think the tee-shirt she got is the right fit and she needs to exchange it for a smaller size...maybe this time I'll try and leave my 5 kids home....and if I do....I'll try on a pair of jeans.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
At the beginning of sure as the sky is blue I am asked the same question over and over again...from familiar friends to complete strangers...SO WHAT ARE THE KIDS DOING THIS SUMMER? As much as I would love to send them to camp, to the local pool, or some kind of attention getting club...the fact is that we can't. Money is tight and I am not currently working. So they're spending their summer at the backyard in a pool my husband is still trying to level, in the basement where their favorite Barbies live, and in the local library which doesn't cost $425 dollars to join. I often joke that they're spending their summer at DEYO CAMP....that's when I bring out the creativity and craft ideas I learned from working with Martha Stewart--such as dying beads and making necklaces, or baking homemade bread, or drawing on the dry erase board i found at a flea market for a dollar. The fact is there are lots of things to do that are cost free--or of little cost to keep the kids busy this summer. Here are some of our standbys.
LIBRARY--most towns have a local library along with a reading club. Kids sign up and after reading a certain amount of books win prizes. Every so often we declare BOOK NIGHT in our household--TV is off and we all read.
BAKING--if given the chance to make pizza from store bought bread or make it yourself dough--the answer is always the latter. They love getting their hands dirty and making dough. (I don't like the clean up part--but it keeps them occupied--and helps create dinner at the same time--so I can't complain). The ingredients are easy--flour, water, yeast--then your favorite topings. The kids love sitting around and waiting for the dough to rise.
Pizza is fun to make but any kind of baking can be fun. Try making something from scratch instead of box mixes...the kids will feel a sense of accomplishment...and math fractions come in handy too.
ZOO--we haven't hit the local zoo yet...and while its not free, its a whole day of entertainment and watching animals--and many local zoos have discount days or nights. Check the internet for coupons which help.
CRAFT STORES--many local craft stores have free programs for kids...its their ploy to drag you into the store...while the kids get to create some fun projects.
If you have other fun free us at and we'll be sure to post them soon.
At the beginning of sure as the sky is blue I am asked the same question over and over again...from familiar friends to complete strangers...SO WHAT ARE THE KIDS DOING THIS SUMMER? As much as I would love to send them to camp, to the local pool, or some kind of attention getting club...the fact is that we can't. Money is tight and I am not currently working. So they're spending their summer at the backyard in a pool my husband is still trying to level, in the basement where their favorite Barbies live, and in the local library which doesn't cost $425 dollars to join. I often joke that they're spending their summer at DEYO CAMP....that's when I bring out the creativity and craft ideas I learned from working with Martha Stewart--such as dying beads and making necklaces, or baking homemade bread, or drawing on the dry erase board i found at a flea market for a dollar. The fact is there are lots of things to do that are cost free--or of little cost to keep the kids busy this summer. Here are some of our standbys.
LIBRARY--most towns have a local library along with a reading club. Kids sign up and after reading a certain amount of books win prizes. Every so often we declare BOOK NIGHT in our household--TV is off and we all read.
BAKING--if given the chance to make pizza from store bought bread or make it yourself dough--the answer is always the latter. They love getting their hands dirty and making dough. (I don't like the clean up part--but it keeps them occupied--and helps create dinner at the same time--so I can't complain). The ingredients are easy--flour, water, yeast--then your favorite topings. The kids love sitting around and waiting for the dough to rise.
Pizza is fun to make but any kind of baking can be fun. Try making something from scratch instead of box mixes...the kids will feel a sense of accomplishment...and math fractions come in handy too.
ZOO--we haven't hit the local zoo yet...and while its not free, its a whole day of entertainment and watching animals--and many local zoos have discount days or nights. Check the internet for coupons which help.
CRAFT STORES--many local craft stores have free programs for kids...its their ploy to drag you into the store...while the kids get to create some fun projects.
If you have other fun free us at and we'll be sure to post them soon.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
If you're someone who reads my blog you know that I have posted quite often the annoyance of parents at softball games who scream and yell to the point you want nothing more than to slug them. Yesterday was an all time low. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine someone bringing a cow bell to a softball game and ringing it endlessly everytime their team did something good. Honestly when I first heard it I was about to race over with money and buy ice cream...I thought it was the Good Humor Truck. This is someone who clearly has too much time on their hands...and quite frankly with that much time on their hands...I'm jealous! I can barely make it out the door remembering my daughter's gatorade. Can I tell you how many times I've had to turn around because we forgot something essential? Like cleats, a mitt, a bat...but a cow bell? I wouldn't even know where to buy one. Who thinks...let me bring a cow bell to a game and cheer the team on? Does one ever think of the ridiculousness that comes with it? If I even had a cowbell...there is no way I would even bring it to the game. My husband wouldn't let me ring it. He would claim I am inciting the other team...and was in violation of the Parents Code of Ethics. (Yes Bob plays it by the book always!) Well not one to be a shrinking violet...I fought back! Thankfully my keys chain holds enough keys to rival any janitors...(I am not even sure where they all go to) everytime my daughter's team did something good I started ringing my keys. It was a battle of the clangers....and while it might have been a bit annoying....when I "rang" my keys....all the parents on our side couldn't help but smile. It didn't do much to shut up the cowbells...but it made me feel better. Maybe I should start a petition to outlaw cowbells...honestly what will be next, airhorns? believe me I wish I had one yesterday. I know I shouldn't get worked up--but I like to go to a game...and sit and enjoy it for what it is...good, clean fun the way I enjoyed it when I played. Times have definately changed....and unfortunately not for the better.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Pauline showing off her new earrings....she's definately a girly girl!
Everyone jump in the pool!
Dont' be afraid of the waves!
Summer in Cape May...breathtaking!
It's been months since I've posted anything...and for that I'm sorry. It's been a crazy summer--and while that's not an excuse...what really happened is my camera broke and I got lazy. Now when I say my camera broke--what I really mean is that my youngest Rebecca poured Lemonade in my purse--and my camera just happened to be there (since I love taking photos at anytime). I turned the camera on when this happened and it worked which I was relieved about--but the next day it was shot...wouldn't turn on...wouldn't do anything. When I told my husband I would like to get a new camera--he insisted we buy the most indestructable on the market...he said with the way we go through cameras like water. I told him to give me another chance...let's invest in a nice camera and I promised to take personal responsibility (and I would file a restraining order between Rebecca and liquid of any kinds!) After a bit of cajooling he surprised me with a Nikon Coolpix I really like it. Best of all...I am back on the blog with more stories, more recipes, more ideas...more of everything--especially PHOTOS!!!!
Now I titled this post THE JOURNEY. That's because I just finished Danielle Steele's book the Journey...and I loved it. The underlying message...what happens in the beginning or the middle or the end isn't as important as the journey it took to get journey is continuing and I'm glad my family, my friends, and all of you are here for the ride. Enjoy your journey...each day counts...each day enriches us in ways we should appreciate now before its too late.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rebecca is only 3 years old and she's already glued to Tiger beat and Justin Bieber!
Remember when Dorothy, the Scarecrow and Tinman were following the yellow brick road and they were frightened by the possibility of meeting LIONS, TIGERS AND BEARS? Well that doesn't hold a candle to TEENAGERS! And who am I to talk? I don't even have any teenagers yet...just the pre-teen signs of whats to come...and I'm afraid...very afraid!
I can remember bringing all 5 "pink" bundles of joy home from the hospital. Everyone said--"you're so lucky--girls are a dream--sugar and spice and every thing snails, or puppy dog tails here". Of course then there was wise old mom who said--they're sweet as pie now...but wait til they're teenagers--that's when you'll wish you had 5 boys! Of course I believed my girls would be different. They won't fight, they won't pull each other's hair, my girls will defy the odds....who was I kidding...after all I was a teenager once myself and apples don't fall far from the tree.
Remember all the time you spent fixing your daughter's hair so it was just so cute? Well that comes back to haunt you in the teen years....Graceann now spends hours and hours in the mirror making sure her hair is "just so cute"!
Graceann...and the new generation's peace sign!
Remember when Dorothy, the Scarecrow and Tinman were following the yellow brick road and they were frightened by the possibility of meeting LIONS, TIGERS AND BEARS? Well that doesn't hold a candle to TEENAGERS! And who am I to talk? I don't even have any teenagers yet...just the pre-teen signs of whats to come...and I'm afraid...very afraid!
I can remember bringing all 5 "pink" bundles of joy home from the hospital. Everyone said--"you're so lucky--girls are a dream--sugar and spice and every thing snails, or puppy dog tails here". Of course then there was wise old mom who said--they're sweet as pie now...but wait til they're teenagers--that's when you'll wish you had 5 boys! Of course I believed my girls would be different. They won't fight, they won't pull each other's hair, my girls will defy the odds....who was I kidding...after all I was a teenager once myself and apples don't fall far from the tree.
Remember all the time you spent fixing your daughter's hair so it was just so cute? Well that comes back to haunt you in the teen years....Graceann now spends hours and hours in the mirror making sure her hair is "just so cute"!
Graceann...and the new generation's peace sign!
Graceann taking a picture with her phone to make sure her hair is perfect...notice I said with her phone...when I was a teen you talked on the phone--just for 2 minutes to find out the homework you forgot to write down--you never spent hours and hours on the phone--and of course back in the "olden days" there was no such thing as taking a picture with your were to celebrate special events...not to see if your hair is perfect.
notice Grace's outstretched arm? That's her holding her phone taking another photo..making sure a hair isn't out of place....if only she did the same with her room--making sure an outfit, or book, or whatever else is on the floor wasn't out of place!
I am always excited about what the future holds...but at the same time I'm so afraid of the drama that will come with it. Graceann has fought with her best friend, made a new best friend, got back with her old best friend and made her new best friend her second best friend, and then made her second best friend and her first best friend become best friends all in 5 minutes time...I can't even keep up.
What about the boyfriends? I am sure they will come calling I ready to handle dating? My husband (the police officer) used to tell people that when dates came to pick up the girls he would conveniently be cleaning his gun at the kitchen table...and would hold it up to the fellow and ask what time was he having our daughter home...and to remember to treat her with respect if he knew what was good for him. I--on the other hand...have my own method when it comes to dating. After Grace and her boyfriend leave...I get into the minivan and follow them...of course I will also invest in a good pair of binoculars before this date. You've heard of hiring private investigators to check if your spouse is cheating...well I'm starting a mom investigator check and see what your teen is doing with who...and to stop anything from happening if it is ever to begin.
Of course my mom also told me (after she said be prepared when they're teenagers) that all your hardwork in raising the girls when they're little will determine how they act as teens....and to always remember that....(maybe that's what scares me so much!) Have I done enough to teach them right from wrong? Did I let them get away with too much? Spoil them? Was I home enough?
Time will the meantime...I take photos of notes like below to remind myself...even though they're teens...they'll always be my little babies. My daughter Caroline wrote this note on her dry erase board after her 10th birthday.
It says: Dear Mom, I love you so much. You Rock Mommy even though I am 10 years old I will always be your little baby girl/pre-teen/kai. Well thanks for my presents. Love you Caroline.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
"Enjoy the little things in life...they are said a busy mom"
Becca with her flowers for the May Crowning
The girls bringing their flowers to the May Crowning
Cupcakes for the May Crowning...notice the crosses made out of cookies?
The flowers by Mary were beautiful!
Caroline pitching at her game
I even squeezed in some time for a little knitting
You've heard of stop and smell the roses...well what about stop and hold the caterpiller? not me--thank you!
So I am now officially off for a few weeks of summer and I get to star in the role of "Mom". I get to do things that I don't normally get to do when I'm working as a supervising producer for the Martha Stewart Show. For example--school pickup. I am never home by 3 pm to pick the girls up from school. It's a simple little thing...but when you don't get to do it--it's like winning the lottery.
Tonight our church is having it's annual May Crowning. I actually baked cupcakes and will bring them in for the "afterparty". When I was busy working, I rarely had time to bake except on weekends.
Call me crazy--this is fun--and something I can totally get used to. I actually did laundry yesterday (2 loads)..., made a delicious dinner, cleaned out Rebecca and Gemma's closet, picked up all the toys in the basement and then drove my daughter Caroline to her softball game--and we were early! The role of mom is exhillarating...for now anyway. I love being there for the kids and making lunch, and taking them to school and cleaning up after them...someone pinch me--did I actually say cleaning up after them? Hopefully this will last just until I have to return to work.
It made me think--the grass is always greener on the other side. I can't tell you how many times I've heard--you're so lucky to be working full time--interacting with other adults--accomplishing so much. When in fact, I think the stay at home moms have it better---time with their kids, time making lunch, time cleaning--ok...maybe not cleaning...but the grass is greener on the other side. The only problem is that when you get to the other side the grass stays green only for a few weeks...then you want to run over to someone else's lawn. Then someone else's after that...and so on and so on. What does it take to stay in your own backyard? Maybe just a patch of everyone's grass in one yard would do it....hard to juggle. I haven't figured it out if anyone else has--please email me at would love to hear from you!
Tonight our church is having it's annual May Crowning. I actually baked cupcakes and will bring them in for the "afterparty". When I was busy working, I rarely had time to bake except on weekends.
Call me crazy--this is fun--and something I can totally get used to. I actually did laundry yesterday (2 loads)..., made a delicious dinner, cleaned out Rebecca and Gemma's closet, picked up all the toys in the basement and then drove my daughter Caroline to her softball game--and we were early! The role of mom is exhillarating...for now anyway. I love being there for the kids and making lunch, and taking them to school and cleaning up after them...someone pinch me--did I actually say cleaning up after them? Hopefully this will last just until I have to return to work.
It made me think--the grass is always greener on the other side. I can't tell you how many times I've heard--you're so lucky to be working full time--interacting with other adults--accomplishing so much. When in fact, I think the stay at home moms have it better---time with their kids, time making lunch, time cleaning--ok...maybe not cleaning...but the grass is greener on the other side. The only problem is that when you get to the other side the grass stays green only for a few weeks...then you want to run over to someone else's lawn. Then someone else's after that...and so on and so on. What does it take to stay in your own backyard? Maybe just a patch of everyone's grass in one yard would do it....hard to juggle. I haven't figured it out if anyone else has--please email me at would love to hear from you!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A few days ago we celebrated my daughter Caroline's birthday. The day starts with a breakfast of choice...and choice means anything--from bagels, to waffles to hotdogs to cotton candy. Caroline wanted chocolate ice cream....Happy Birthday here you go. It's the one day of the year you know you can start the day off right. A few days before her birthday we made homemade chalk. We had made it on Martha's show a week ago and it was simple and alot of fun. We made star shapes. We decided to make some for her class that she could give out on her birthday. They came out great and we packaged them in a bag and typed a card that read HAVE A GREAT DAY AND "CHALK" IT UP TO CAROLINE'S BIRTHDAY!" then under the headline we printed the directions for homemade was another hit. Birthdays are special...they come only one day a year--but the memories of the day last a lifetime!
For those of you who may want to make chalk with your children here are the directions:
tempera paint (colors of choice)
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups plaster of paris
2 silicone trays
mix 2-4 tablespoons of paint with the water. Slowly mix in the plaster of paris. Consistency should be that of frosting. pour into trays. Allow at least half hour to set--best used if set 24 hours. Enjoy!
Monday, April 26, 2010
When I go to my daughter's softball or soccer games I go to relax. Even though I'm with all the kids (and usually my husband is there to help)'s relaxing. We're not home...the house isn't being destroyed. The kids can eat snacks and have a drink...and there are no rugs to spill it on. Yes, for me, going to games is a day in paradise. That was until this weekend's game and I came face to face with the LOUDMOUTH. Anyone who goes to any sporting event has surely encountered the LOUDMOUTH before so you know what I'm talking about....screaming, yelling...and not just for their team but against their team other words against my daughter. And if you think Hell has no fury like a woman scorned...try scorning a mother who's daughter is playing a softball game.
I tried not to let it bother me at first. Even though he sat right next to me and shout so loud I thought my eardrum ruptured. It started with "let's go Allie" (she pitched for the other team)...but then it broadened to "this hitter can't hit...strike her out". If allie pitched a wild pitch and it went too high or too low--he'd scream GREAT PITCH! I surprised myself by just keeping it quiet and trying not to let it bother me...but as he got louder and louder...I knew I wasn't going to be able to take a whole game of this. It didn't help matters that the inning started poorly for my daughter's team and they were down 4-0.
When Graceann was up at bat she got a great hit. He screamed it was a lucky hit. (I'm thinking he's lucky I'm not hitting him about now). Well that was the turning point for me. I reached for my alliance--my other daughters. If anyone can make noise--believe me--they can do it. My husband often says they should tape their screams and whining and send it to prisoner camps as a form of torture when they try to make you confess whatever it is you don't want to confess. I told Caroline...isn't this man next to us annoying? She said yes. I said, let's cheer really hard for Grace's team". Then I got Pauline rounded up and she was on board. And as the captain of the ship I started screaming wildly for Graceann's team. Next thing I knew the man got up and walked away....YES, VICTORY. Suddenly peace and quiet....until 15 minutes later he returned with a coffee....ugh....and back to his loudmouth ways! So we started our yelling too. I am sure the people around all of us were a bit annoyed. Soon enough the game was over, we won...I had a sore throat and a headache...and was hardly relaxed. My husband told me I had to learn to let it go....when people act crazy like that...just let it go...don't let it bother you. So then I felt guilty that I played into the loudmouth's game. Shouldn't we just let actions speak louder than words....they did...the girls won the game! No more yelling for me! I am now declaring the games scream free zones. And if someone starts up...I will bite my lip...and not say a word. I will cheer for my own daughter...but that's it. Maybe just maybe if it gets unbearable...I'll call in my troups (Caroline and Pauline)...but I won't yell....I'm old enough to know better (the kids still have a few years).
I tried not to let it bother me at first. Even though he sat right next to me and shout so loud I thought my eardrum ruptured. It started with "let's go Allie" (she pitched for the other team)...but then it broadened to "this hitter can't hit...strike her out". If allie pitched a wild pitch and it went too high or too low--he'd scream GREAT PITCH! I surprised myself by just keeping it quiet and trying not to let it bother me...but as he got louder and louder...I knew I wasn't going to be able to take a whole game of this. It didn't help matters that the inning started poorly for my daughter's team and they were down 4-0.
When Graceann was up at bat she got a great hit. He screamed it was a lucky hit. (I'm thinking he's lucky I'm not hitting him about now). Well that was the turning point for me. I reached for my alliance--my other daughters. If anyone can make noise--believe me--they can do it. My husband often says they should tape their screams and whining and send it to prisoner camps as a form of torture when they try to make you confess whatever it is you don't want to confess. I told Caroline...isn't this man next to us annoying? She said yes. I said, let's cheer really hard for Grace's team". Then I got Pauline rounded up and she was on board. And as the captain of the ship I started screaming wildly for Graceann's team. Next thing I knew the man got up and walked away....YES, VICTORY. Suddenly peace and quiet....until 15 minutes later he returned with a coffee....ugh....and back to his loudmouth ways! So we started our yelling too. I am sure the people around all of us were a bit annoyed. Soon enough the game was over, we won...I had a sore throat and a headache...and was hardly relaxed. My husband told me I had to learn to let it go....when people act crazy like that...just let it go...don't let it bother you. So then I felt guilty that I played into the loudmouth's game. Shouldn't we just let actions speak louder than words....they did...the girls won the game! No more yelling for me! I am now declaring the games scream free zones. And if someone starts up...I will bite my lip...and not say a word. I will cheer for my own daughter...but that's it. Maybe just maybe if it gets unbearable...I'll call in my troups (Caroline and Pauline)...but I won't yell....I'm old enough to know better (the kids still have a few years).
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
In a second I got the girls to all look at the camera at the same time!
Discovering seconds of exploration together!
Becca with my chicken purse....a second, a smile!
Not sure why I was thinking that every second in our lives count. But I was sitting on the train yesterday pondering that very thought. Every second has a purpose....maybe one second is to wake up the sun, another second is to offer a smile to someone having a bad day, another second is to meet a new friend. I actually met my husband in a second. We were playing vollyball and in a second he saved the ball from hitting me. In a second my life changed. These seconds are so precious. Most of us, including me take them for granted. When you think about it...we never get them back. Each second lasts...only about....a second. Wouldn't it be great to make every second count...every second mean something? One day I was coming home on the train. I couldn't find a place to sit. All of a sudden, in a second as a matter of fact, this man came out of no where and pushed me so hard down the aisle that I practically fell into this woman's lap. She wasn't to happy about that, but I did discover that there was a seat next to her that I didn't initially see. I sat next to her and this woman happened to be knitting. I love knitting especially on the train. So to save face with this woman who I just nearly crushed--I said, "oh you're knitting...I always bring my knitting too"...suddenly the kinship of yarn but a smile on her face and she acted like we had been long lost friends just reunited. We discussed projects and what kinds of yarn we like to use. Then I noticed that she was doing a cable stitch. It's a stitch I have trouble with and always wanted to learn. I asked her about it. She put everything down and the remainder of the ride home taught me that stitch that I just couldn't comprehend. Imagine that! Some very valuable seconds strung together as a knitting class--unexpected, appreciated seconds.
Now unfortunately not everything is seen through rose colored glasses...there are some seconds we wish we could take back...saying unkind words in a second, glances of disappointment, and as in the case this am--a thrown stuffed animal--and in a second our favorite statue was broken.
So what does it all mean? good seconds, bad seconds, to me it means to appreciate each and every a wise woman once said (that would be Mrs. Garrett from the Facts of Life TV show) take the good, you take the bad and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life, the facts of life.'s all part of it to the fullest!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Pauline enjoying her older sister Graceann's softball's freezing and doesn't quite feel like Spring!
When she's not enjoying her sister's games....she's playing soccer--and having a great time.
Caroline warming up --getting ready to pitch for her town's softball team. In 3 innings she has struck out 8 and hasn't given up any runs....really great for a lefty!
So we're officially into Spring Sports. I can remember bringing Graceann to her first few Softball games and she didn't even know which way to run after she hit the ball. Imagine the laughs when she hit the ball and ran directly to third! I carted all of her younger sisters to watch the game. They knew if they behaved they might get treated to the ice cream truck. I insured their behavior by packing barbie dolls, stuffed animals, coloring books...or anything to keep them busy. The other moms couldn't believe I had 5 children. I kept wondering it's easy now....Graceann plays softball and the others sit with me....this is the high life....just what's going to happen when they're all involved in sports and I'm running from game to game? That's when life will be crazy. That time has come. Friday Caroline had a game in town while Graceann had a game an hour away. That situation easily husband took Graceann while I took Caroline. Saturday Graceann had a game away and Pauline had a Spring Soccer game--again we split duties. The problems will begin when all three have something the same day....there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel because before too long Rebecca and Gemma will be in the equation. For a millisecond my husband said, "maybe spring soccer was too much for us to handle". But then we remind ourselves...we need to be fair to all the girls...and this was the sport Pauline really wanted to do. It helps to pool all of their schedules together and make a master calender to keep us in track. It's not easy to juggle...but I thank God I have children to juggle. (Always trying to find the positive)! They say when the going gets tough....the tough get going....we just may need a ride and helping hand in the process.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Graceann's biome project--a Monarch butterfly (whipped together with 2 pairs of white pantyhose, three hangers, one black knee high stocking, 3 plastic bags and paint.)
I love my daughters....I really, really do....but why is it that after being off for one week of school--they decided to tell me they have homework at 8:00 pm on a Sunday night? And not just 4+4=8 math homework. Project homework is when you're creating a poster, something messy, or researching at all hours to get a paper done. In this case Caroline had 2 projects due. One was a poster on what makes NJ great, and the other was designing a bookmark for the Library. My oldest daughter Graceann said she had a book report--but this was the creative kind....instead of writing about the main story plot--you had to bake a cake in the shape of the main character. (When did these type of book reports start? they didn't have them when I was a kid). Her second project involved a biome...and creating a stuffed animal biome. I didn't even know what a biome was...ugh! Needless to say I'm tired, and cranky after helping with a night of last minute project homework.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I think it's great when your very best friend is your sister. Come to think about it....isn't your best friend always your sister? I mean even if you're not blood related--don't you think of your best friend as your sister? I am fortunate to have 3 fantastic sisters--Maria, Teresa and Celena. There's also Kasia who was my best friend in grammar school...I think of her as a sister too. I am lucky because these wonderful women in my life offer me love, support, smiles and joy when I need it most....and even when I don't. They are there for me....and for that I thank them.
My wish is that my five daughters grow up always being best friends...always being there for one another....always helping one another out, loving each other, taking care of each other's kids, helping each other move, get settled, and share their talents with one another. I know it's important to foster that now...the way my parents did with my siblings. Yes...there are days they fight, there are days they scream, there are days they pull each other's hair, or hide someone's school book....but in the end they do love each other and want to protect each other.
My husband's motto is NO DEYO LEFT BEHIND....he tells the girls to always watch out for one another....My heart melts when I see them hug, kiss, or do something nice for one another without being prompted. Keep it up girls.....mommy and daddy love you!
My wish is that my five daughters grow up always being best friends...always being there for one another....always helping one another out, loving each other, taking care of each other's kids, helping each other move, get settled, and share their talents with one another. I know it's important to foster that now...the way my parents did with my siblings. Yes...there are days they fight, there are days they scream, there are days they pull each other's hair, or hide someone's school book....but in the end they do love each other and want to protect each other.
My husband's motto is NO DEYO LEFT BEHIND....he tells the girls to always watch out for one another....My heart melts when I see them hug, kiss, or do something nice for one another without being prompted. Keep it up girls.....mommy and daddy love you!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rebecca and's Rebecca's Hannah Montana look
A few weeks ago the Tyra Banks Show had a sale--selling off clothes, jewelry, and fixtures from the show. As you know Tyra is ending her talk show. I happened to get invited to the sale and found quite a few gems. Besides beautiful jewelry--which i know is "hot" cause the girls want to wear it--i also bought wigs. There were purple hair wigs, witch wigs, Dolly Parton wigs, old lady wigs, and Hanna Montana wigs (who knows what Tyra used all those wigs for)...but anyway it wasn't a bad deal at a dollar each. I figured I would save them for Halloween when the girls were trying to figure out who to be. But once they saw the wigs....there was no waiting til October 31st....the girls wanted to be their favorite pop star right there--right now. So I let them play with the wigs....the playing went on for hours. They love putting on performances and pretending to be someone else. It was an incredible investment....Moms--if you need a your kids some wigs--and they'll love it. Of course it'll be quite hard to find a deal like I found at the Tyra Sale...but some Halloween stores may have things on clearance since it's an off month for dressing up. was wonderful to see the girls enjoy themselves...and just as wonderful to have some time to myself without screaming or fighting.
On another note...if you can't find wigs...cake mixes always work too. Caroline who loves to bake wanted to bake a cake..."just because". It was a red velvet cake and it was delicious. She used the huge cupcake mold my sister got my for my birthday...sometimes "just because" are the best reasons to celebrate!
Caroline's red velvet cupcake!
A few weeks ago the Tyra Banks Show had a sale--selling off clothes, jewelry, and fixtures from the show. As you know Tyra is ending her talk show. I happened to get invited to the sale and found quite a few gems. Besides beautiful jewelry--which i know is "hot" cause the girls want to wear it--i also bought wigs. There were purple hair wigs, witch wigs, Dolly Parton wigs, old lady wigs, and Hanna Montana wigs (who knows what Tyra used all those wigs for)...but anyway it wasn't a bad deal at a dollar each. I figured I would save them for Halloween when the girls were trying to figure out who to be. But once they saw the wigs....there was no waiting til October 31st....the girls wanted to be their favorite pop star right there--right now. So I let them play with the wigs....the playing went on for hours. They love putting on performances and pretending to be someone else. It was an incredible investment....Moms--if you need a your kids some wigs--and they'll love it. Of course it'll be quite hard to find a deal like I found at the Tyra Sale...but some Halloween stores may have things on clearance since it's an off month for dressing up. was wonderful to see the girls enjoy themselves...and just as wonderful to have some time to myself without screaming or fighting.
On another note...if you can't find wigs...cake mixes always work too. Caroline who loves to bake wanted to bake a cake..."just because". It was a red velvet cake and it was delicious. She used the huge cupcake mold my sister got my for my birthday...sometimes "just because" are the best reasons to celebrate!
Caroline's red velvet cupcake!
On a final note is my sister Maria's birthday! She's beautiful, crafty, creative, and very smart....wishing her lots of love and joy on her special day....HAPPY, HAPPY DAY MARIA!!! Love, Christina xoxoxoxo
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Things have been busy has been crazy, my tooth has been killing me, my mother in law was in the hospital, my dad was in the hospital, my husband's grandmother had a seems like when it rains it really pours.....but if there is one thing you can do in this hustle and bustle--it's continue to share family time....even if it is only 15 minutes to sit down and have dinner together. Sometimes the girls fill up on snacks before dinner and don't feel like eating --my rule is that even if you aren't hungry--sit down with the family and talk about your day...or don't talk ...just listen! Family time should be a priority...and it isn't always easy getting dinner on the table (or even home in time from work)...but we try.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I know its been awhile since I posted...but I've been having issues....specifically tooth issues. I had a root canal gone bad (as my dentist calls it). My oral surgeon's plan was to drill through my jaw bone and clean out my infection...I had been trying to put this off till the summer when I had more time to get it done and recuperate. Unfortunately the tooth had other plans. It decided to explode and become infected and all that gross stuff. I am still in pain--on antibiotics--and painkillers. Let's hope this story has a happy ending and soon.
In between feeling terrible I was able to take the girls to see the bunny rabbit at the Library. The girls had alot of fun. They enjoyed a story, made a craft and then took a photo with the bunny--I think 12 year old Graceann is feeling a bit old for this...but I drag her along just the same...she's been a good sport.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
So I just completed Dr. Junger's clean program. It was a 21 day cleanse....and I'm happy I did it. I'm even happier that I lost 16 pounds. But now the really tough part starts...maintaining the weight loss and actually keeping it going. It was really tough to start but once I got into making shakes and eating lean proteins it was alot easier. I had a plan. Now I'm on my I need to come up with my maintenance plan. I don't want to go back. I feel healthier...I feel more fit...and more energetic. As a matter of fact my daughter Caroline said to me last night, Mom you have so much can spend more time with me now. I hope by getting healthier...I'll be spending alot more time with the kids....HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Today is day 7 of the cleanse I'm doing with some of the staffers from the Martha Stewart Show. And I feel like I'm in 7th Heaven because I've lost 9 pounds the first week. I don't think I ever lost that much in one week...and so I'm inspired and motivated to keep it going. By now I have gotten used to the routine. And I am starting to feel a bit more energy and a bit less tired.
Now here's something a bit interesting when you're ridding your body of this extra weight and losing your toxins...the doctor told us that we would have very vivid and weird dreams. Well I can speak from experience that this is definately true. The other night I had a dream so vivid, so real, that I woke up hitting my husband I was so mad at him.
In the dream, my husband announces that he wants to marry another woman named Michelle. He tells me he's not leaving me...he's decided to become a polygymist. So he would have two wives. He told me not to worry this other woman doesn't really like kids but she will be a big help to us. How is that I wonder (in my dream) she willing to clean floors, wash clothes, dust the furniture? then just when I didn't think it could get any husband gives me the diamond engagement ring he intends to give her to hide until he's ready to propose. She comes to our house and snoops around...and finds the ring. When she sees the size of the diamond she tells me to tell my husband to get a bigger rock or the deal is off....CAN YOU IMAGINE THE NERVE? That was about all I could handle so I woke up and started yelling and hitting Bob how dare he...of course he had no idea what I was talking about.
The next night I dreamt that Chef Bobby Flay and I started a romance as we waited everyday for the train. Maybe it's payback for "Michelle". Who knows? All I know is that I'm enjoying going to bed for the night because I'm never sure what adventure is in store for me. This is a fun ride....climb on -- it's never too late.
Now here's something a bit interesting when you're ridding your body of this extra weight and losing your toxins...the doctor told us that we would have very vivid and weird dreams. Well I can speak from experience that this is definately true. The other night I had a dream so vivid, so real, that I woke up hitting my husband I was so mad at him.
In the dream, my husband announces that he wants to marry another woman named Michelle. He tells me he's not leaving me...he's decided to become a polygymist. So he would have two wives. He told me not to worry this other woman doesn't really like kids but she will be a big help to us. How is that I wonder (in my dream) she willing to clean floors, wash clothes, dust the furniture? then just when I didn't think it could get any husband gives me the diamond engagement ring he intends to give her to hide until he's ready to propose. She comes to our house and snoops around...and finds the ring. When she sees the size of the diamond she tells me to tell my husband to get a bigger rock or the deal is off....CAN YOU IMAGINE THE NERVE? That was about all I could handle so I woke up and started yelling and hitting Bob how dare he...of course he had no idea what I was talking about.
The next night I dreamt that Chef Bobby Flay and I started a romance as we waited everyday for the train. Maybe it's payback for "Michelle". Who knows? All I know is that I'm enjoying going to bed for the night because I'm never sure what adventure is in store for me. This is a fun ride....climb on -- it's never too late.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
So I have been receiving alot of questions about what kind of diet I am on. I actually started on Dr. Junger's cleanse. He has a book titled "CLEAN" which talks about cleansing your body to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself. It's a 21 day program...and hopefully I'll be able to make it through...each day gets a little easier. I compare the diet to Lenten sacrifices. When you were little and gave up something for 40 days of Lent...and then you could have it again on Easter. Well basically this cleanse is like Lent and you're giving up food. (good food--ok food that I consider good--pizza, stew, pie, hamburgers etc).
The diet consists of a shake for breakfast, a light lunch from the elimination diet plan (mostly lean eggs, lots of fruits and vegetables) and then a shake for dinner. After day one I thought I could never last. Yesterday was only day 2 and it wasn't so bad...I'm thinking I can get used to this (not really) but it's a little easier to try.
So today's day three...and the biggest aid is the support of staff members who are doing it with me and we offer encouragement to each husband is doing his version of a diet that helps at home. I think my most difficult challenge is going to be the weekends...when I'm dinner--living life. Wish me luck.
The diet consists of a shake for breakfast, a light lunch from the elimination diet plan (mostly lean eggs, lots of fruits and vegetables) and then a shake for dinner. After day one I thought I could never last. Yesterday was only day 2 and it wasn't so bad...I'm thinking I can get used to this (not really) but it's a little easier to try.
So today's day three...and the biggest aid is the support of staff members who are doing it with me and we offer encouragement to each husband is doing his version of a diet that helps at home. I think my most difficult challenge is going to be the weekends...when I'm dinner--living life. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today is day two of my diet. How did day one go? well as I said earlier today is day two so I'm still on it...and it's hard. I keep waiting to get over "the hump"...but I am sure I have a way to go. No caffeine...shakes for breakfast....protein for least I'm sticking with it...last night I had 0 I nearly missed my train. But I keep will get easier, it will get easier. Here's what's not making it easier. Those annoying mothers (now I know that an adjective like annoying before the word mother is probably and should only be used by teenagers--but I'm on a diet and I'm cranky!)...those annoying mothers who scream and root at sporting events for their kids like their life depended on it. Last night I sat by one of those annoying mothers. I was at Caroline's basketball game...I was tired. I had gotten off the train, wanted to just relax and have a low key hunger filled night. When all of a sudden I hear..."GO LAKE! GO JAMIE! GO ELLA! YOU CAN DO IT...YOU CAN WHIP THESE KIDS...etc, etc." I thought I would have to be restrained if the woman didn't shut up. Maybe on another day when I wasn't on a diet I would tolerate it...but when I'm tired and cranky and hungry....I have a right to get angry! Don't I? My daughter's team didn't win...but there's always tommorrow....thank goodness for that.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ok...I'm going to say it out is D-Day...D with a capital Diet. I've gained almost 20 pounds since our season at Martha started. 20 pounds is alot--not a made up number either. Imagine carrying around an extra sack of potatoes or perhaps being pregnant with your 6th kid--that's 20 pounds and it's extra weight I don't need. So today I'm going on a diet. Here's why it's going to work this time (after the 999 times it didn't). First of all I have alot more support. I'm on a "cleanse diet" with people I work with. We will help one another out. Secondly, I have my husband's support. For the first time in his life he bought Kale...and LIKED it. He's losing weight with me....(actually getting healthier). And finally I'm telling all of you about the talking out loud about it gives me responsibility to stick with it. Maybe you would like to join in too? Jump right's the first day of the rest of our lives!!!!
Here goes something!
Here goes something!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year...what a great year its destined to be! Here Caroline and Pauline toast to a fantastic year....
Graceann celebrating with Rebecca
I made some homemade cream puffs to celebrate the new year.
do you like the matching dresses I got for 9.99?
Celebrating 2010!
What would the new year be without a kiss from my you Bob!
Happy New Year to all....
Graceann celebrating with Rebecca
I made some homemade cream puffs to celebrate the new year.
do you like the matching dresses I got for 9.99?
Celebrating 2010!
What would the new year be without a kiss from my you Bob!
Happy New Year to all....
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