Saturday, July 17, 2010


If you're someone who reads my blog you know that I have posted quite often the annoyance of parents at softball games who scream and yell to the point you want nothing more than to slug them. Yesterday was an all time low. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine someone bringing a cow bell to a softball game and ringing it endlessly everytime their team did something good. Honestly when I first heard it I was about to race over with money and buy ice cream...I thought it was the Good Humor Truck. This is someone who clearly has too much time on their hands...and quite frankly with that much time on their hands...I'm jealous! I can barely make it out the door remembering my daughter's gatorade. Can I tell you how many times I've had to turn around because we forgot something essential? Like cleats, a mitt, a bat...but a cow bell? I wouldn't even know where to buy one. Who thinks...let me bring a cow bell to a game and cheer the team on? Does one ever think of the ridiculousness that comes with it? If I even had a cowbell...there is no way I would even bring it to the game. My husband wouldn't let me ring it. He would claim I am inciting the other team...and was in violation of the Parents Code of Ethics. (Yes Bob plays it by the book always!) Well not one to be a shrinking violet...I fought back! Thankfully my keys chain holds enough keys to rival any janitors...(I am not even sure where they all go to) everytime my daughter's team did something good I started ringing my keys. It was a battle of the clangers....and while it might have been a bit annoying....when I "rang" my keys....all the parents on our side couldn't help but smile. It didn't do much to shut up the cowbells...but it made me feel better. Maybe I should start a petition to outlaw cowbells...honestly what will be next, airhorns? believe me I wish I had one yesterday. I know I shouldn't get worked up--but I like to go to a game...and sit and enjoy it for what it is...good, clean fun the way I enjoyed it when I played. Times have definately changed....and unfortunately not for the better.

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