Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"Enjoy the little things in life...they are fleeting...so said a busy mom"

Becca with her flowers for the May Crowning
The girls bringing their flowers to the May Crowning

Cupcakes for the May Crowning...notice the crosses made out of cookies?

The flowers by Mary were beautiful!

Caroline pitching at her game

I even squeezed in some time for a little knitting

You've heard of stop and smell the roses...well what about stop and hold the caterpiller? not me--thank you!

So I am now officially off for a few weeks of summer and I get to star in the role of "Mom". I get to do things that I don't normally get to do when I'm working as a supervising producer for the Martha Stewart Show. For example--school pickup. I am never home by 3 pm to pick the girls up from school. It's a simple little thing...but when you don't get to do it--it's like winning the lottery.

Tonight our church is having it's annual May Crowning. I actually baked cupcakes and will bring them in for the "afterparty". When I was busy working, I rarely had time to bake except on weekends.

Call me crazy--this is fun--and something I can totally get used to. I actually did laundry yesterday (2 loads)..., made a delicious dinner, cleaned out Rebecca and Gemma's closet, picked up all the toys in the basement and then drove my daughter Caroline to her softball game--and we were early! The role of mom is exhillarating...for now anyway. I love being there for the kids and making lunch, and taking them to school and cleaning up after them...someone pinch me--did I actually say cleaning up after them? Hopefully this will last just until I have to return to work.

It made me think--the grass is always greener on the other side. I can't tell you how many times I've heard--you're so lucky to be working full time--interacting with other adults--accomplishing so much. When in fact, I think the stay at home moms have it better---time with their kids, time making lunch, time cleaning--ok...maybe not cleaning...but the grass is greener on the other side. The only problem is that when you get to the other side the grass stays green only for a few weeks...then you want to run over to someone else's lawn. Then someone else's after that...and so on and so on. What does it take to stay in your own backyard? Maybe just a patch of everyone's grass in one yard would do it....hard to juggle. I haven't figured it out yet...so if anyone else has--please email me at threepluskids@aol.com would love to hear from you!

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