Friday, August 21, 2009


Monsters, Witches and Ogres...have invaded our household!

I am really, really cranky. Let this be a warning to anyone who might come in contact with me today…that I might bite. Today I am a bear. This happens to me whenever I don’t get my full 8 hours of sleep. I’m like Jekyll and Hyde. One moment I am calm, cool, collected—but without a good nights sleep I am a monster. So why not enough sleep? The answer is simple…2 words in fact—musical beds. Let me explain. During the day my girls love watching some scary show for kids that’s perfect for the bright sun. But when night falls—that scary show comes back to haunt them. I’ve told them over and over to stop watching…I’ve told the babysitter to not let them see it. I’ve told my husband to block the show….but somehow—like a train wreck you can’t help but watch. So every night the girls come up with a plan of who’s sleeping with whom—who will be safe with whom in case any ogres, monsters or witches decide to visit. On any given night Graceann and Gemma set up their barricade of safety, Pauline and Caroline take turns rotating with Rebecca, and sometimes just for fun it gets all mixed around again. And every night when I tell the girls ALL MUST SLEEP IN THEIR OWN BEDS…I am glanced upon with sad puppy dog eyes just looking for a home. When I stay strong and convince them that the look isn’t working…then they come up with plan B….which consists of any of the following options…
“Mom, you’ve had a hard day—let us rub your feet”!
“Mom, the babies made a mess—do you know where the broom is so we can sweep it up? Oh and while we’re at it…have you seen the Windex so we can clean the windows.”
“Mom, are you thirsty, we’re going to make you some iced tea…and do you want chips with that?”
Of course I am wise to all of these plans…but over the past two weeks I have caved in…mostly because besides being tired and not wanting to fight them on it…my feet do need a rubdown…and the floor does need to be swept…and chips really hit the spot!.

So last night wasn’t like any other night…Graceann, Caroline and Pauline all slipped into Grace’s bed and settled down for the night. I thought I was lucky because Gemma and Rebecca fell asleep early and we were able to carry them up to their own beds. 2 down 3 to go….except that at 4:30 in the morning I heard Rebecca start to stir. Now it always amazes me how a mother’s ears suddenly become like the Bionic Woman’s when it involves the kids. I can ask my husband Bob to tend to the girls and he’ll claim he doesn’t hear anything…but low and behold I can hear the slightest sound of breath. When this happens I do what I’ve always done since they were little…roll over—go back to sleep and hope and pray they do the same. Sometimes I’m lucky and they do—but last night was not one of those nights. No…Rebecca was scared and because misery loves company she woke Gemma up (who shares a room with her)…to feel her pain. I got up and told Rebecca everything was ok…she was safe…there were no monsters, ogres or witches hiding in the closet or under the bed. Let’s face it…the closet is so jam packed with junk…I don’t think anyone could fit in there…the same with under the bed. Nonetheless I have a trick up my sleeve for moments such as these. Thank goodness for Febreze Fabric Refresher. While most of you may know this product as one that eliminates foul odors…I know it as “MONSTER SPRAY”. A squirt here, a squirt there….takes care of all monsters, ogres and witches. The smell is so disturbing to them that they will stay away for miles. So a little spray under the bed…in the closet and around the entrance of the door works like a charm….it’s to monsters—what garlic is to Vampires. It works and I’m proud to say that not only does it help me get a good night’s sleep—it makes the house smell nice. Now last night I ran into a bit of a problem. The Febreze—I mean Monster spray was not where I usually keep it (on the girls’ dresser). Unbeknownst to me the older girls took it to spray in their room. But since I’m dealing with a 3 and 4 year old—I know I can work my way out of this jam. Its dark….the girls can’t see whether or not I have the spray in my hand—so I start putting my lips together and begin making phisting sounds—like a spray. I was convincing. Gemma asked for more spray around her bed. I phisted away! Then Gemma asked me why she didn’t smell the pretty smell the monster spray makes. Um, Um….well, um…maybe my 3 and 4 year old are smarter than I think. Then it came to me. “Gemma, after midnight the smell disappears so that the witches don’t think you’re making a brew for them. Sometimes they think the smell is just like their squirrel stew.” Was that going to work? Gemma responded, “oh…ok—love you mom—goodnight.” I got a hug and kiss from Rebecca too and wandered back to my beautiful soft relaxing bed. But for whatever reason I couldn’t fall back asleep. I tossed I turned, I turned and I tossed. Then before I knew it my husband’s alarm went off…ok…I guess I’m up too. Only now I’m cranky.

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