Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Ok...so how old do I really look? What's giving away my age?

Does it help if the sun shines on me (and my husband)...will that take years off our appearance?

I mentioned in an earlier post that in order to save money I have been taking the train to work. It’s actually been working out really well and after the first month I’ve already noticed my American Express bill is down. Sometimes I take the train right at the local university in town. Parking is only 3 dollars vs. the 25 dollars I had been paying in New York. Well the other day was the first day of school for the incoming Freshman class. Because of this there was a welcome wagon at the Parking Garage welcoming the Freshman class and directing them to their classes. When I pulled up to get my parking ticket the meeter—or greeter or whatever you want to call her looked at me and said…”well surely you’re not a student…you must be one of the dailys” (meaning someone who daily parks for the train.) Ok…so surely I’m not a student…but she might as well asked if she could offer me a walker to help me catch the train. Why didn’t she just ask me for my AARP card so I got discounted parking. So of course this got me thinking, ok worrying…do I really look that old?

I remember when I was in college thinking how fat I always looked….but today if I look at pictures of me during that time period…I can only say I WISH I looked that good. Why is it that our perception of ourselves never matches the true picture? I feel young—in my head I’d like to pass for one of my daughter’s friends…although realistically I know I’m beyond the bounds of an 11 year old. But couldn’t I pass for an older sister? What is it that is giving me away? Is my makeup too old looking? Am I not wearing enough….wearing too much? Is my hairstyle too old? What is it about the fountain of youth that I’m just not getting? Maybe it’s the clothes. Perhaps if I added a splash of color? And how old do I actually look? Do I look like I’m in my 50’s---BECAUSE I’M NOT!!!!...I have about 6,7, or 8 years to go before that. Age is just a number…isn’t it? I guess I really never thought about it before that welcome wagon woman (who looked older than I am) had to say the word SURELY you’re not a student. She could have said, are you a student? How about nothing at all…how about here’s your parking ticket HAVE A NICE DAY….no now she has me changing my makeup staring in the mirror looking for wrinkles…I have 5 kids…doesn’t that count for anything. My youngest is 3 years old. Moms with toddlers are young….they’re in their twenties…some in their early thirties. I want to be in my thirties. I HAVE A THREE YEAR OLD! SURELY I AM NOT THAT OLD….SURELY I AM STILL WITH IT. SURELY, SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT AROUND THE CORNER….ok breath….calm down…I’m not old, I’m older…just older than a student….ok I can live with that.

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