I am not sure about you...but every year my resolution is the same...I actually have 3 of them and I interchange the order every year....the first is always LOSE WEIGHT (get healthy...eat better...whatever you want to call it), the second is GET ORGANIZED (some years I talk myself into believing--it's not about losing weight...it's about organizing your life...and the pounds will drop off as everything falls into place...as if no work is needed to get thinner)...and the final one is to SAVE MONEY (who doesn't need to do this?). So this year once again...I'm setting up my three resolutions...but I'm adding a 4th one to it and I may even make this number one. ENJOY FAMILY TIME. So many times I'm involved in the hustle and bustle of work...I truly want to spend more time smelling the roses...and the roses I'm smelling involve, playing with the kids, doing more crafts with the kids, making more time for my husband, just enjoying the truly simple things in life! This week I'm off from my job at the Martha Stewart Show...and it gives me the opportunity to play the role of stay at home mom...and I do truly love it. Yes it gets crazy...yes there are fights, yes there are times the girls throw things...etc. but through all the madness is one loving family who enjoys spending time together.
Last night I had a dream that my youngest 3 year old rebecca was back to being a newborn. I missed those tiny hands...small smile...and even midnight feedings. Time goes by so quickly that in a blink of an eye Graceann will be looking into high schools and even colleges...yikes. I want the world to slow down...but somehow it won't...it keeps pace...I finally figured out...it's me who can slow down. I can take the time to enjoy every minute and I truly will try! That's my resolution...HAPPY NEW YEARS!